Coaching Packages

Breakthrough Coaching Session

Special Offer with Bonus Gift

This is a ninety-minute breakthrough coaching session designed to help you deal with a crisis or conflict situation in your life. Whether it be a career, divorce, relationship, or other stressful life experience.

This coaching session will help you:

  • Get unstuck and let go of fear
  • Manage stress and overwhelm
  • Face your most significant challenges
  • Stop you from self-sabotage and indecisiveness
  • Help manage conflict and confrontation
  • Prepare for a crucial conversation or event
  • Gain clarity and formulate a plan of action

Bonus gift of your choice

The session includes a free thirty-minute introductory phone conversation to set your intentions and best prepare for our time together.

  • Thirty-Minute Follow-up Coaching Session
  • Thirty-Minute Reiki Chakra Balancing Session
  • Thirty-Minute Guided Future Meditation

Determine if coaching is the right fit for you.

Complimentary Discovery Call 30 Minutes

  • Meet Coach Richard Morden
  • Get information on coaching packages
  • Define your challenges and obstacles
  • Discover how coaching can support you

Divorce is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. No one should get a divorce without exploring all their options.

Do I stay or do I go?

I will guide you through exercises, strategy sessions, and compassion to:

  • Look at divorce with your eyes wide open
  • Identify the options and obstacles of divorce and how to move past them
  • Gain clarity and be confident in your decision making
  • Discover your best self and connect with opportunities to thrive right now
  • Develop the courage to take control of your life, be happier and heal
  • Define your core values and future goals with manageable steps to get there

Package consists of four Thirty-minute coaching sessions

The session includes a free thirty-minute introductory phone conversation to set your intentions and best prepare for our time together.

Don't go through divorce alone!

Divorce is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. No one should get a divorce without exploring all their options.

  • Put stress-relieving tools and techniques into practice in your everyday life, so you feel rejuvenated, confident, and clear-minded
  • Get prepared and organized for the business of divorce with your values at the center
  • Find professionals and resources that are the best fit for you
  • Side-step the financial pitfalls of divorce decision making
  • Practice highly effective communication strategies during divorce and bring abundance into your life beyond this transition
  • Find strategies for working with your attorney or mediator more effectively to save time and money

Healing Package: 12 Week Divorce Recovery

Where would you like your life to be in three months? I will guide you there. As your advocate and safe counsel, I’ll lead you forward with exercises, strategy sessions, and compassion to:

  • Heal your broken heart and tender soul
  • Let go of pain, resentment, anger, and emotions
  • Build up radiating self-esteem, confidence, and belief in your best self
  • Set thrilling new short-term and long-range goals for your own definition of success
  • Take manageable steps forward and celebrate each accomplishment
  • Bring to life the beautiful person you are meant to be and life you want to have
  • Embrace your aspirations, a soaring future self, and create a practice of abundant

The package consists of twelve sixty-minute coaching sessions. A customized healing journey designed specifically for you.

Life Purpose Career Package

  • Open the door to your own magic, gifts, talents, and abilities
  • Unlock the wisdom of your higher self and your own inner guidance system
  • Unleash new ideas, creative insights, and a world of infinite possibilities and opportunities
  • Achieve a greater sense of ease, trust, and self-love and let go of what no longer serves you
  • Align with your passions, your joy, and your soul's purpose for this lifetime
  • Shift your belief system and step into the power of your abundant future self

The package consists of eight sixty-minute coaching sessions with combined spiritual coaching, career coaching, akashic records, and energy healing.

Listen to the Inner Wisdom of Your Heart and Your Soul

Listen to the Wisdom of Your Heart and Soul is my brand-new signature coaching package. All my years of coaching, healing, and spiritual modalities are included in this inclusive coaching package. Transform your life and create more joy, happiness, and abundance in your life. This program is customized and designed exclusively to bring you results and transformation you are seeking. Give yourself a gift this year and unwrap the magic that is inside you!

  • Are you a woman who has recently gone through the storm of a divorce?
  • Have you questioned your identity and what your life purpose truly is?
  • Are you still caught up and living in your divorce story?
  • Do you feel fearful, scared, and unsure about your future?
  • Do you know what you want to experience and create in your life?
  • Are you lacking motivation to set new personal and lifetime goals?
  • Are you ready to take your life and your power back?

Eight-Week Coaching Package includes Spiritual Life Coaching, Akashic Records, and Healy Frequencies.

Richard's Coaching Package

Monday support team

Start your week off right. Join our Surviving Narcissism Support Group. This is a place to learn and grow with emotional tools, distinctions and practices that are specific to healing through narcissistic abuse. This is not group therapy whereby everybody shares they painful stories; rather this is a learning environment, where people discover new tools and practice that best suit their healing needs. The hope is you will feel hopeful about your healing

Annual Membership

Connect with our community and receive direct access to our members only webinars and significant discounts on private and group sessions including Workshops. Belong to a community that is committed to healing and growing. Find out more.

Private Sessions

Dive Deeper with private one on one therapy. Emotional Healing, Personal Growth, and New Inner Awareness. Direct access to releasing unwanted shame and trauma. Discover healing beyond your imagination.  Let’s connect first.  Book a session.